During Christmas time, there is a decoration near the small park. It is colorful, and I enjoy the scenery every year. This event is conducted by a neighboring church, but I think it interesting that NHA(Neighborhood Association; Chonaikai) supported it. Recently, there have been some disputes that NHA related to religion, especially shrines. Almost half of the residents participate in NHA, and NHA receives some subsidy from the municipalities in Japan. Japanese constitution enacted article 19, which is called freedom of belief, as was set up the regret that the Japanese army utilized Shinto to proceed with war. But I think the church has a good relationship with the community residents in this area. people enjoy the colorful scenery and sometimes take photos in front of the decorations. It is not so much a problem. ref.) Japanese Constitution Arlicle XIX. Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all. No religious organization shall receive special privileges from the State, nor exerci...